Monday, June 22, 2015

Ironman Coeur d'Alene - Race Week!

It's all come to this week.  A few workouts left this week to keep the muscles engaged, starting a carbo load (detailed below), and traveling to CDA on Thursday.  Training started in mid-December.... 136 hours, 1300 miles Biking (with most training miles not logged on the Trainer), 96 hours, 705 miles Running and 76 hours, 127 miles Swimming

Today starts a huge change in my diet.  When people think of carbo loading, most think of eating a massive bowl of pasta the night before a race.  True loading actually starts a few days before a race.  Three days from the race, my diet will change to be about 85 - 95% carbs.  This will load my muscles to the brim with glycogen.  It wont last through the entire Ironman but will definitely help.  That's why the Ironman nutritinal plan is critical.  I'll detail everything i take in during the race in a race recap.

Here is my plan for this week:

Monday - Morning 2700 meter swim, Evening strength workout
Tuesday - Morning 45 min Run consisting of 15 mins of tempo (half marathon pace), Evening Bike with about 30 mins tempo (Ironman watt zone).
Wednesday - Morning 2700 meter swim, Evening 30 min easy riding
Thursday - Morning Flight, a little run once in CDA
Friday - NOTHING, athlete checkin and packet pickup
Saturday - 30 min ride on the bike to test all is good, check in bike to transition, 15 min run to shakeout the legs, then legs up rest of the day
Sunday - 4:30 wake up, 6:30 SWIM START.

GoPro videos to come once I'm in CDA to capture the Weekend........