Sunday, January 4, 2015

End of Week 3 - 25 weeks to go

This week was NYE week.  The schedule is still a little non-routine with the holiday week, but  managed to stick to the training schedule for this week.  NYE was low key so was able to get my NY day workouts vs the normal NY day of needing to recover.  Finally got over a nasty cold and should be picking up the training volume in the next coming weeks.  Also, I finally was able to get an outdoor long ride on Saturday.  Riding a bike on an indoor trainer is great for short, high intense workouts (~1 hour), but horrible for long, steady pace rides like weekend long rides.  I hate the cold so usually won't ride if it's below 50 degrees outside.

This weeks total volumes were:

Mon - AM Swim 2000 meters,      PM 1.64 mile warm up with leg/lat lifting
Tues - AM Bike Trainer 45 mins, PM Run
Wed - AM Swim 2500 meters,     PM Bike Trainer 1 hour
Thur -                                            PM Run 4.35 miles
Fri - AM Swim 1900 meters,        PM 1.03 mile warmup with leg lifting
Sat - Long Bike 36 miles (2200 feet climbing)
Sun - Long Run 8.13 miles

Swim = 7000 yards
Bike = 3:52 hours (not tracking mileage yet)
Run = 20.1 miles

Total 12 hours training.